Zodiac Natural Pool Clarifier 1L
Zodiac's Natural Clarifier is great for clearing cloudy pool water.
Active Constituent: Chitosan
Dosage Directions;
30ml Per 10,000L as Maintenance Dose
60ml Per 10,000L as Cloudy Water Dose
Product Highlights:
- Organic Formula
- Helps Prevent Oil & Scum Marks
- Improves Filtration Efficiency
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Collections are available from our Perfect Pools service warehouse located at 15C Douglas Alexander Parade in Albany. We are open from the hours of 9am-4pm Monday to Friday and 10am-2pm Saturdays. We also offer mobile valet services and onsite service installations within Auckland by appointment email - perfectpoolsnz@gmail.com to arrange a visit.